pp108 : Logging Framework Process

Logging Framework Process

This topic describes the logging framework process.

The logging framework process is as follows:

  • The administrator enables the log option for a particularCategory(com.eibus.transport) with a predefined severity (Warn), on the Explorer. The administrator can also select the log consumers (such as the File, Event Service, etc.) to which the log messages must be written.
  • The source code instrumented with log messages is executed.
  • The framework logs instrumented messages to the selected consumers.
  • Log viewer tools can be used to view the messages logged.

    Severity Levels

    The logging framework supports severities of the following kinds - Debug, Information, Warning, Error and Fatal.
  • Debug - Log messages for developers and support personnel for debugging the application and detecting error causes, if any.
  • Info - Log messages for the operators. For each application connector, try to log requests and responses with severity information.
  • Warn - Log messages for errors caused by incorrect user inputs and ignorable errors.
  • Error - Log messages for exceptions and errors.
  • Fatal - Log messages for critical errors, Service being stopped, application crashing and so on.